One of Ribblr's unique features is an interactive chart. With interactive charts, crafters can track their progress by marking specific cells, as well as customize colorwork patterns by changing the chart's colors. You can create an interactive chart using Ribbuild's built-in chart editor. To get started, simply click the media icon to the right of any line in your pattern and then click the chart icon. You can use different Knitting, Crochet and Tunisian Crochet symbols and colors, indicate special stitches and add a chart note. You can click the chart's frame for all orientation options, such as C2C. You can also click the first row/round on the chart's frame to start the chart from a custom number. For colorwork charts, we highly recommend that you first set your pattern's yarn colors and names in your pattern's materials list. This will allow Ribbuild to link it to your chart. You can then select colors for your charts by right/long clicking on any of the colors to the left of the chart. This will enable crafters who acquire your pattern the ability to change any color of the chart and create their own customized version of it. Once you are ready, click the 'Add to pattern' button to attach the chart to a line in your pattern. Your charts are saved and can be attached to multiple lines in your patterns. You may also attach a non-interactive chart as a photo or PDF using the media icon.