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dineinart make for The Split Summer Top | Ribblr
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Latest noteProgress Date Jul 26, 2021 Project Mood 😊 Chest around : 34.5" (not being stretched at all) Length : 12" Strap : 5" I followed the pattern exactly for size XS/S, the only thing different is probably my yarn size (but still categorized as DK) and how i connect my straps (i connect them in a traditional way of just sc ing them together, and change the sc border into hdc to lengthen the straps). S tops usually fit me well and I also have a 34.5" bust measurement, but this top doesnt fit me perfectly (too large on the bust size). Also the straps are still too short even though i've lengthen them. But the bust measurement & straps length for this top fits my sister, who usually wears size M. Yet, she had a bit of difficulty in taking it on&off due to the balloon part which i didnt. I love this pattern and is easy to follow. But the size here doesnt fit any of the woman's body in my house 😂 and some adjustments have to be made. But overall, great pattern!
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Jul 25, 2021 😊 journal photo
Jul 24, 2021 😊 journal photo
Jul 24, 2021 😊 journal photo
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