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Latest noteProgress Date Nov 29, 2021 Project Tony’s vanilla socks Mood 😊 0 US needle for ribbing. 1 US (2.25mm) for rest. AHomeSpun House on Plump Merino base (80/20) in the color-way Jingleberry with a yarn from Noble Character Crafts on her Pitter Patter base (75/25), not sure on the color name, for the heels and toes. MAGIC LOOP Cast on 64 stitches. Knit 10 rounds of K3P1 At 76 rows down from end of ribbing, cut in heel. Heel: Switch to heel color. Instead of picking up 64 stitches, pick up 60. Then add 4 more stitches using the heel color. Trying to give a little bit more room in the heel for Tony’s ankle to heel area. Knit 6 rounds. Decrease every other round until 16 stitches remain on each needle (32 total). Kitchener and done ☺️ Toes: After another 70 rounds, switch to toe color. Knit 2 rounds. Decrease every other round until 12 stitches remain on each needle (24 total). Kitchener and done ☺️
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