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Latest noteProgress Date Jul 04, 2022 Project tester: Swan Mood 😊 For row 35 i believe it needs to be 6sc, 5dec, 12sc, dec to equal 24st row 41 should this be (4sc, dec) x 6? that is how i got 30 and should row 42 be (3sc, dec) x6? to make 24 I went back today to row 30 to continue but my row count was off so I redid that section thinking that I might have missed something. my neck seems much longer than yours so im wondering if its possible that you may have added more rows to the neck when you changed the other part? for the beak line 2 should it be (sc, inc) x2 to make 6st? and for line 4 should it be (2sc, inc) x3 to make 12st for the end of the beak after the color change you might want to mention to slip stitch to make the single color look more uniform. From your picture it looks like that is what you did, its just not in the instructions. I love the crown! how creative! now I've learned a new stitch!!! I am using the same size yarn and hook so I only did half of the stitches (18) I did have a little trouble understanding what you meant about shaping the neck/ head part but it may have been because my neck ended up longer. I just did what worked for me though. A little video clip or a few more pictures from different angles for this part might be helpful. A lot of other patterns tell you when to start stuffing, that may be something that you might want to add... but seeing as how this is not for brand new beginners the makers will probably already have an idea of when to do that on there own. Thank you for letting me test. I hope that I was helpful. If you have any other questions or need clarification on any of my notes just shoot me a message! Congratulations on your new patterns. Are you ok with me posting about this swan on my socials? Have a fantastic day!
Previous notes
Jul 03, 2022 tester: Swan 😊 journal photo
Jul 03, 2022 tester: Swan 😊 journal photo
Jul 03, 2022 tester: Swan 😊 journal photo
Jul 03, 2022 tester: Swan 😊 journal photo
Jul 03, 2022 tester: Swan 😊 journal photo
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