In this crochet pattern, "Butterfly's Tale" the whimsical beauty of a butterfly meets the timeless charm of books. Delicate stitches intertwine to form the graceful wings of a butterfly; with each loop and twist of yarn, a story unfoldsa tale where imagination takes flight alongside the fluttering of butterfly wings, weaving together the magic of literature and the wonder of nature in a single, enchanting creation.
220 stitches wide by 271 rows.
No specific border
Experience: Beginner. There are no special stitches!
Language/Terminology: US Terms
Stitches used: Double crochet Front Loop Only (dcflo) and Single
Crochet Back Loop Only (scblo)
Technique: Overlay Mosaic Crochet
Pattern Includes:
-Chart with symbols.
-Written directions with pattern notes/guides and stich notes/guides.
-Printable chart pattern and one large chart for devices and tools like Knit Companion.
No Border is called out.
Estimates are based on DK yarn and 4 hook.
MC - est. 3200 yards
CC - est 2200 yards
(Estimates do not include a border. No specific border is required.)
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