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mini and small santa hat
mini and small santa hat
mini and small santa hat
mini and small santa hat
mini and small santa hat
mini and small santa hat
mini and small santa hat
mini and small santa hat

mini and small santa hat

crochet pattern
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Bernat Velvet Yarn
$8.39 $11.99
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happy holidays! in honor of the holidays here is a small pattern bundle for a mini and small santa hat you can add to any plushie to make them a little bit more festive…

you have full permission to do whatever you wish with any plushies made with my pattern but please do not sell or copy my pattern, credit me using any of my socials @crochetby.esmeralda :)

please note that for my patterns, you are not meant to do multiple stitches in one stitch unless stated otherwise, for example: (2sc, inc) means you sc in one stitch, sc in the next, and inc in the third, it DOES NOT mean you sc twice in one stitch and increase in the next. I hope this clears up any confusion, feel free to contact me if you have any issues with the pattern :)
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mini and small santa hat
    Love it! Super easy to follow and created exactly what I was looking for
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premier parfait chunky in red premier parfait chunky in white acrylic yarn in white
5 mm hook
darning needle
optional: straight pins and stitch marker
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Love it! Super easy to follow and created exactly what I was looking for
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