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foxfrogandfern make for Snowman bucket hat | Ribblr
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Latest noteProgress Date Dec 08, 2022 Project Frosty Fashion Mood 🎉 All finished up! I love the wintry whimsy of this design, and I think it would be so so cute for an Xmas lights stroll or iceskating outdoors or even just for a cute, fun holiday accesory. It works up fast and the pattern is easy to follow. For ref, I used a 4mm hook with weight 4 acrylic yarn, which are both larger than what the pattern calls for. I was doing trial and error sort of sizing which is why mine is probably more floppy than the sample, as I didn't accommodate for that stretch. My previous entries highlight the changes I made to try and accommodate in real time and how I would do it differently next time. My biggest suggestion would be to, if possible, include a way for people to size their hat. You have it noted helpfully early on that rounds can be decreased or increased to accommodate, which is true, however if there is some sort of way to measure beforehand (say, finding the diameter of the circle needed before starting for length) it would be nice to include how to achieve that calculation, as well. Even providing measurements of your own head size (circumference/diameter) or the finished piece would go a long way to enabling others to adjust/customize accordingly. My other suggestions would be: 1.) To include photos for the different elements at the end of the section. I find it is just helpful to be able to reference them against your own project, but this is more of an optional thing. If you did decide to add these photos, a side view of the nose would be great, I think. 2. The photo for the face placement is great, but if you had any additional cues for spacing or sewing, that would be wonderful, too. Again, this is more of an optional change - I think most people can probably discern from the photo alone, but it never hurts to include more information when possible. 3. Lastly, and this is largely stylistic and wouldn't necessarily merit a change unless others have mentioned it, but in previous pattern tests I've been a part of, people really struggled to remember the slst ch 1 start unless it was included on every row. It might be too cumbersome to have to add it now, and I was able to follow along just fine, but figured I would mention it in case it hadn't been considered. All in all, though, this pattern was quite straightforward and makes for a very cute accessory!
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Dec 06, 2022 😊 journal photo
Dec 06, 2022 😊 journal photo
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Dec 05, 2022 😊 journal photo
Dec 05, 2022 💭 journal photo
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Dec 04, 2022 😊 journal photo
Dec 02, 2022 💭 journal photo
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