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stitchsprite make for Hilda | Ribblr
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Latest noteProgress Date Jul 14, 2023 Project Mood 😊 Working on this project increased my knitting confidence exponentially. There are certainly mistakes, but those are on me. Pattern was easy to follow, even for a relative beginner, and I knew if I was tripped up at all that the designer would be able to help me through any hiccups (which luckily were few). My word of advice to a beginner knitter who wants to tackle this is absolutely go for it; I highly recommend using stitch markers to help you keep the correct count for the stitch repeats. It helped me a great deal to keep tabs on them with markers, and I flewwwww through this once I understood those repeats, having fun watching the sweater grow and take shape. This experience may singlehandedly have turned me into a knitting garment convert LOL. Love the drape and fit, as well, and that it offers so many options for customization: color, neckline, body/sleeve length & shape. I did a straight arm and body with about a 3/4 sleeve. Used my 5mm circulars and weight 4 (Pound of Love: Quartz, Caron One Pound: Dove, Fig). All edges were me experimenting with an Icelandic bind-off. Next time I make one of these, and there will certainly be a next time, I think I'm going to play around with a flirty puff sleeve cropped look because I think it would be so cute!
Previous notes
Jul 13, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 12, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 12, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 12, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 11, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 11, 2023 💜 journal photo
Jul 10, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 10, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 09, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 09, 2023 💪 journal photo
Jul 08, 2023 💜 journal photo
Jul 06, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 04, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jul 01, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jun 27, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jun 25, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jun 15, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jun 15, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jun 05, 2023 😊 journal photo
Jun 03, 2023 😊 journal photo
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