This flower bouquet pattern bundle includes the patterns of the following flowers:
1.Crape myrtle
2.Delphinium Tunisian Version
3.Herbaceous Peony with Tunisian
4.Lewisia cotyledon
5.Northern sea oats grass
6.Rose with Tunisian
These flowers can be used to match bouquets and a great match for flower bouquets. you can also make more variety changing colors. They are perfect for home decoration, wedding bouquets, graduation flower bouquets, birthday gifts or any holiday's day gifts. Check out my profile for other bouquet or cute amigurumis patterns.
The pattern is available in English
Terms of use:
The pattern and images contained in this document belong to Yui from Funincloud. This pattern is for personal use only. It may not be copiedtranslatedresoldor otherwise redistributed In any way without the author's permission. Finished objects made from this pattern may be sold in small quantities, as long as you credit Funincloud as the original designer and use your own photos to represent your work
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